Friday 29 June 2007

what a knockout!

This has to be on of the most exiting week at college i have ever had. So many activity's all happen at once! since Wednesday we have worked in mixed teams planning our teams costumes, flags and song. Over the three days we played team games to try and win as many points as possible. We worked with students that are not normally in our sessions. This gave me and the rest of the staff in our team a chance to get to now different learners and support them in having a fun time. love the banta you can have with the learners i work with on a day to day s experience has made me realize why i love my job and would not change it for all the tea in china.
also today this am the tutor group had an opportunity to show some members of staff our sculpture that was produced for the equality and diversity team. The entry's needed to be linked to the college one day event. One this day we celebrate all that is different in the world and offer the chance for students and staff to try new therapy's, food, religions cultures etc... from all around the world.

Our entry was a sculpture of the Louts Flower. The flower was made up of 13 petals. A petal for each person in the room. within the petal was a word that summed up a person for example "modest" and then you had to guess who was who? This was to show that we are all Many in body yet one in mind. I was proud of our end product and the whole group is hoping we have one the prize which is to choose a therapy for the whole group to enjoy. Will keep you posted on how we get on.

I am beginning to get the feeling that i am a spiritual person that just needs to learn to let that side of me out and open it up to the rest of the world. I think when that day happens i will be the true me!
I do ask my self what is the reason i don't allow myself to do this? mind you if i had that answer i would be true to myself.


Sibri said...


We have spoken about this many times haven't we? For some reason you do hold back and have said that you are a little scared at times of the unknown! Let me assure you that opening up is just the beginning of a journey and no one will make you do anything that you are not comfortable with x

Sibri said...

Come on Joolz ....POST!!! ;0)

White Charcoal said...

Our entry was a sculpture of the Louts Flower?

What're a "Louts Flowers"? Are they the ones that youths pull out of public flower beds? Could they be the one's that yobbos take home to mum on Mother's Day?

I'd really love to know.
