Friday 29 June 2007

what a knockout!

This has to be on of the most exiting week at college i have ever had. So many activity's all happen at once! since Wednesday we have worked in mixed teams planning our teams costumes, flags and song. Over the three days we played team games to try and win as many points as possible. We worked with students that are not normally in our sessions. This gave me and the rest of the staff in our team a chance to get to now different learners and support them in having a fun time. love the banta you can have with the learners i work with on a day to day s experience has made me realize why i love my job and would not change it for all the tea in china.
also today this am the tutor group had an opportunity to show some members of staff our sculpture that was produced for the equality and diversity team. The entry's needed to be linked to the college one day event. One this day we celebrate all that is different in the world and offer the chance for students and staff to try new therapy's, food, religions cultures etc... from all around the world.

Our entry was a sculpture of the Louts Flower. The flower was made up of 13 petals. A petal for each person in the room. within the petal was a word that summed up a person for example "modest" and then you had to guess who was who? This was to show that we are all Many in body yet one in mind. I was proud of our end product and the whole group is hoping we have one the prize which is to choose a therapy for the whole group to enjoy. Will keep you posted on how we get on.

I am beginning to get the feeling that i am a spiritual person that just needs to learn to let that side of me out and open it up to the rest of the world. I think when that day happens i will be the true me!
I do ask my self what is the reason i don't allow myself to do this? mind you if i had that answer i would be true to myself.

Sunday 24 June 2007

"Thank you for the music the song im sining"

Music is the food of love play on!

This years Glastonbury's has been just fantastic in fact the best i can remember mind you i say that every year its on! I just love live music.

For me the Manic Street Preachers were amazing and they got me sining, well thats what i call it! lol

Lily Allen was hot in pink and boy can that girl sing mind you so did the killers. So I have decided that this summer new colour is hot pink and silver!

Still for me the new band in my c.d for the rest of the week are Arcade Fire boy oh boy i am hocked be them. There music is so different. They are from Canada, 7 band members check them out the Neon Bible album.

Mind you Mark Robson has the most amazing eyes so may be i will have him as my winner! He sang well I am sure he sang that song for me! I'm in love or is it lust! lol
If my eyes will let me stay up late I hope to see the Kaiser Chiefs what a fab line up this year!
Mika was fun. I love how flamboyant he is and the stage lite up with big girls you are beautiful. I no longer feel like a big balloon i feel beautiful, I'm a whole lot of woman and i do need a whole lot more. Still i am not sure if i have all the curves in all the right places. I am sure everyone that was lucky to have tickets for this amazing festival, would of had the most amazing weekend.

I will go one year. Mind you I say that every year!

Saturday 23 June 2007

That glass of wine!

The weekend is:

  1. time to catch up with friends
  2. time to share a glass or two of wine
  3. time to have fun with own children
Oh not in my house hold!
the weekend is time to
* clean up after 3 others
*time to grocery shop for the 3 sparrows
*be a taxi service to all kind of events like drum lesson and nights out clubbing or mum iv just missed the last train
*a weeks worth of dirty clothes/bedding that needs washing,drying and ironing
*and to top it all the car needs cleaning and the grass needs cutting yet the heavens open every time i have five min's spare!

Is it just me or is this they way my weekend should be . I did choose to have a lovely family but at birth they did not tell me that for the next twenty or so years I would be unable to be me!
So to that lovely friend that invited me for a large glass of wine today. I am so sorry I could not make it today but next week I am going on strike!
Next week is me weekend! That Glass of Wine Had Better Still Be there. I have the feeling Next weekend will be supercalafredulisticxpealdosues. (is that how you spell it?)

Thursday 21 June 2007

Some days are better than others

When i woke up this am the sun was shining all looked well in the world. As the day progressed the cloud thicken and once again the heavens opened. I do love the sound of the rain I find it soothing and today needed to be soothing as my work load is increasing as the end of the academic year comes galloping towards me.
It was not until i got home it dawned on me that the group of students that have been under my tuition (not totally I might add as we work as a team at Portland) will be leaving in 5 weeks time. The group have been with me for 3 years and I now sit asking myself were has that time gone! This group of students will never leave my mind as we have learnt so much from each other we have laughed so much our tums hurt, we have cried yet supported each other through some emotionally times but most of all we have all cared about each other and because of this the group have developed into a strong team of individuals that belive they can achive and value each other but most importantly themselves.
I do not give myself a pat on the back very often yet I am tonight as I am proud to be there tutor and I do now they leave college better prepared to face the world that is out there for the taking compared to the first time I met them. What a privilege to have met them all. What a day today has been.

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Such a good day as a mum

I am such a proud mum. Today i had good news from my eldest son. he has once again had a very successfully year at uni. He has worked so very hard over the last year and he deserved this fantastic result. Well done Adam you are well on your way to a 1st next year. Remember behind every successfully man is a nagging mother woman and supportive family. I like days that run spit spot!!!

Monday 18 June 2007

Is there a god!

The moment the spider came into our life!
What do you do when a spider walks calmly across the two setter settee right in front of your daughter that dislikes spiders to the point she runs around the room like a mad women every time she sees one.

So Mary to the rescue. To all the animal lovers i calmly collected a container gently scoped up the spider and set it free in spider corner, the wood pile at the side of the house. To the rest of you i squashed it in kitchen roll and ran around the room screaming with her. To anyone who does not now me its revenge for all the times she has so xxxxxx to me. You decide! What should Mary do?

Sunday 17 June 2007

Father's Day

Today is the day we think about dads in our lives. In my eyes i do not some body to tell me when to think of my dad. As every day is fathers day. I hope that my dad does not need a card or call today to now how much he means to me and the important part he plays in my life. (did send card just in case)You are dad, one in a million.
In fact men are important to me. For some reason I like talking to men far more than women not sure why! (as some men in my life have hurt me so very much)
I do find though that men can sometimes miss read my friendship, as I love my dear friends as if they are a part of my family. (a bit OTT at times but cant help it)
Today a very dear friend came over for lunch. This is a man that I feel I can be myself with, he does not judge and is able to see things in life in such a positive way. I love this friend just the way he is. X We did have the most interesting indoor BBQ! wow were is that carrot!